Friday, February 17, 2006

Hippo Birdy to Me

Usually, at about 12.30 in the day, I'm in a pretty filthy mood.

Not today though. It's my birthday in a few days, and I've just got the most BEAUTIFUL bunch of flowers from my folks (who are about as far away from me as you can possibly get, on the other side of the world), and I've eaten my way through the most deliciously sweet chocolate eclair, and I'm a bit sleep deprived (due to my best friend from Oz arrive at 5.30 this morning and having to pick her up from the station, and clean my house with the slightest of hangovers) I'm in the BEST mood I've been in ages.

I'd do a top ten reasons for why people should have birthday seasons, and not just celebrate them on the day, but I also can't be bothered. Here are just a few though:

1) You get an excuse to eat your way through all your favorite cakes from the local bakery
2) You get an excuse to be able to buy those crispy creme donuts (that's a whole other post right there... )
3) People have to treat you nicely, as it's your birthday.
4) You dont' have to feel too guilty about the fact that you're showing just how self obsessed you are (everyone's self obsessed, I don't care what you think).

Hippo Birdy to Me

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