Monday, September 18, 2006

Money talks and so do posh boys

I'm plugging my mate Calv's podcasts today, which you can get from his site calvstar. I listened to it today (sorry Calv!) and I have to say, these are the poshest sounding boys. So if you're into betting/losing money on sports, and want a tip to turn your luck around, check out his site. At the very least you can listen to Calv, Mappy and Busen all bicker about random sports events, giggle like school girls, and learn how to sound like you were born into the money you're about to lose on betfair.


Anonymous said...

Calv posh ! You've got to be kidding. Have you seen his childhood home? Any normal Saturday you can see the neighbours getting arrested for drunk and disorderly !

Trying to "Panda" said...

All the staff at CalvStar must be using their best parent voices then to talk about the football!