Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm not proud.

Aren't these orchids lovely? I just have to say that I am not too proud a girl to ask the florist who came into the local coffee shop to change their floral display if he was throwing these orchids away, if he was, could I have them please?. Nope I am in no way too proud to take dying, wilting flowers practially from the bin. I've definitely made peace with the fact I'm not one of those girls, who, like in those deoderant adds, by spraying the latest nerve agent scent liberally all over herself to mask the smell of her own sweat and walking around in the skimpiest of clothes, even when it's only 5 degrees outside, will get dozens of men running after her throwing themselves and a bunch of roses at her feet.

I'm kinda proud of not being too proud...

BTW: yes, those are 'Java in a Nutshell' & 'Unix in a Nutshell' books in the background. 'Nerd' is not a dirty word. Posted by Picasa


Trying to "Panda" said...

Thanks! I'm really happy that you like it!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty flowers - I particularly like the geeky java manual back-drop...k